Critical Reflection on Skills on Wheels

I chose the “Handle Face-to-Face Interview” and the “Converse with Confidence“ module as I wanted to work on my conversational skills before I go back to the workplace. How we conduct ourselves in the workplace is very different from how we tend to do so in the classroom so I felt like these modules would help with strengthening my interpersonal skills. While I believe that I am a confident communicator, I understand that there is a level of technicality involved. Skills on Wheels provided videos, slides, infographics, and quizzes to aid with my learning.

The “Handle Face-to-Face Interview” module taught me how to prepare for an interview in terms of researching the company, dressing appropriately for the interview, which verbal and non-verbal cues to take note of and even the follow-up techniques to use. Initially, I did not do well for the ‘Preparing for Job Interview’ assessment as I thought that talking about work-related matters is how to respond to interview questions. However, we should do our research before the interview and answer with research insights that I have gathered.

As for the “Converse with Confidence” module, I learned to converse better with others. This will be especially useful as I go into the workplace during my Integrated Work Study Programme (IWSP). As mentioned previously, a drawback of mine would be in the aspect of active listening so this module taught me about the importance of listening as well as the 3 levels of listening. It was interesting to learn about the difference between listening as compared to hearing. The module also covered topics such as reading body language and small talk techniques. All of which will be very useful in the workplace especially during meetings and lunch conversations with my colleagues. The module information was informative and I did well during the assessment. 

Overall, I feel that Skills on Wheels has been useful in aiding me to prepare for my upcoming IWSP and also developing my communication skills. 


  1. Thank you, Christine, for this fairly detailed reflection. You explain how a couple of your perceived communication needs align with content in the two modules you studied in Skills on Wheels (SOW). I'm happy to hear so much positive. Knowing how critical you can be though, I wonder if there was any negative aspect to learning via the online modules?

    1. Hi Brad,
      As you know how busy some of us were this trimester, finding time to do Skills on Wheels was a little tough. I thought it was useful that there was a mobile application so I could work on it as I was on the go from home to SIT RP/SIT Dover or vice versa however I would feedback that the app was a little laggy and I struggled to watch some of the videos. It would also help if there were subtitles for the videos.

    2. Thank you for the update. I appreciate the critical view.


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